Excited about the Rio 2016 Olympic Games? Support them with Select P&G products at Walmart! #LetsPowerTheirDreams

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. All opinions are my own. We are really into watching the Olympics this year- my son Matthew has been training as a runner on the track team, and has been trying out to jump hurdles. He’s pretty dedicated, training every afternoon from 3-5 so he can improve and … Continue reading “Excited about the Rio 2016 Olympic Games? Support them with Select P&G products at Walmart! #LetsPowerTheirDreams”

Make your next bottle of water easier on the environment with Dasani’s Plant-Based Plastics and their #GreenBottleCap

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Dasani & The Coca-Cola Company Each one of us can, in the choices we make every day, soften our impact on the environment. environment Some choices take a bit more work- driving a hybrid car, choosing to eat local food, buying appliances that are energy-friendly. Other choices are simpler … Continue reading “Make your next bottle of water easier on the environment with Dasani’s Plant-Based Plastics and their #GreenBottleCap”

Hang with Robert Downey Jr. at the Premiere of Marvel’s Avengers #AgeofUltron

Robert Downey Jr. is offering fans the chance to live out the best night of their life culminating at the World Premiere of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, all to support a great cause. Marvel’s AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON will hit theaters everywhere on May 1st! I already entered! All it takes is $10 (or more) and its … Continue reading “Hang with Robert Downey Jr. at the Premiere of Marvel’s Avengers #AgeofUltron”