^^^^^My house everyday!
Author: Kat
Season 9 of One Tree Hill on DVD
I posted recently that One Tree Hill’s series finale was coming up. I was very sad that its over. However, I am super excited because Season 9 is now out on DVD. It came out today, April 10th which just so happens to be my baby sister’s birthday. I guess I know what I will … Continue reading “Season 9 of One Tree Hill on DVD”
I’m a Nuby Mommy Blogger!!!
I am so excited! I have been selected as a Nuby Mom Blogger along with 15 other amazing bloggers! Not that I am calling myself amazing (or am I?). I can’t even contain my elation since I heard the news! I will be letting you all know about great promotions and products offered by Nuby. … Continue reading “I’m a Nuby Mommy Blogger!!!”
Second Nature Book Tour – Amelia’s Necklace #Giveaway
Second Nature (Forces of Nature Book 2) Amelia Hoffman always knew she would be with Nathaniel Peplow forever, but after they bonded everything started to go wrong. Nate treats her like the enemy, her siblings are in danger, and an old threat grows closer. As Nate pulls away and Amelia’s burgeoning friendship with a handsome … Continue reading “Second Nature Book Tour – Amelia’s Necklace #Giveaway”
Edible Easter Baskets Recipe- Fun Easy Kid’s Recipe
I have been searching the Internet lately for fun things to do for Easter with my children. Then I found out I had to work overtime all week! My poor coworker went to the dentist and they said her teeth were so soft, she would have to either get dentures or get a plate put … Continue reading “Edible Easter Baskets Recipe- Fun Easy Kid’s Recipe”
Fun Easy Easter Craft for Kids
Since I have been working so late this week I haven’t had much time to spend with the kids. On Friday I decided I would do a fun but easy craft with them. I remembered when I was in school, we would make bunny ears every year around Easter time. So I went to the … Continue reading “Fun Easy Easter Craft for Kids”
Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam Slippers Review & Giveaway
The day before my birthday I got a package (not a new thing) and like all packages (whether they belong to me or not) I got really excited! It was the day before my birthday so I was sure it had a delicious surprise inside and I was not disappointed! I received a pair of Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam Slippers … Continue reading “Nature’s Sleep Memory Foam Slippers Review & Giveaway”
Seven Tips to Save Money on Your Honeymoon!
Weddings are expensive in their own right even before taking into consideration the cost of a honeymoon. Here are seven helpful tips for planning a honeymoon that is affordable but still rich in the romance department. 1) Book attractions in advance Purchasing tickets for plays, shows, or even amusement parks even a couple days before … Continue reading “Seven Tips to Save Money on Your Honeymoon!”
Having Trouble Not Cheating – Nutrisystem Week 4
Source: bit.ly via Kat on Pinterest Well, I am on my week 4 of Nutrisystem (I didnt post week 3, I apologize!!! Its been crazy around here). I am having a terrible crisis though! People keep tempting me with food. Food other than my Nutrisystem meals. I have never had so many requests for lunch, … Continue reading “Having Trouble Not Cheating – Nutrisystem Week 4”
One Tree Hill Season 9 & The Evolution of Brooke
Of the many time I have came on here to tell you about One Tree Hill, its hard to believe I am writing about the final episode. Wednesday, April 4 will be the SERIES FINALE of One Tree Hill! Series finales are always so final. I mean, that goes without saying and you are probably … Continue reading “One Tree Hill Season 9 & The Evolution of Brooke”