Seven Tips to Save Money on Your Honeymoon!

Weddings are expensive in their own right even before taking into consideration the cost of a honeymoon. Here are seven helpful tips for planning a honeymoon that is affordable but still rich in the romance department.

1) Book attractions in advance

Purchasing tickets for plays, shows, or even amusement parks even a couple days before you attend can save you a few dollars. Purchasing online can save you even more money. Plan and prioritize the activities you two want to do in advance to maximize savings, while still getting to do exactly what you want to do.

2) Book cruises in advance or last minute

Cruise prices follow a basic bell curve with respect to time. Prices are up to fifty percent cheaper right when the cruise is listed, but then they go up as time goes on. A riskier move would be waiting to book your cruise two to eight weeks in advance. Cruise lines get desperate to fill cabins as the departure date draws closer, so they lower prices dramatically; however, there is a certain amount of risk involved with this plan. You may not be able to book your preferred room or even your preferred cruise because it may be full.

3) Use price comparison websites

Although you might be loyal to one particular airline or hotel chain, this is a chance to save money by shopping around for the best deal. Price comparison websites will search for the best deals and the cheapest rooms, so you can stay in comfort for a much cheaper price.

4) Candles can go a long way

If you have to skip out on the swankier hotels due to steep prices, you can still make your hotel room seem like the most romantic place on earth. Smuggle in some candles and light them to create a night you will never forget. In the low candle light, you will never notice the suspicious stains on the carpet or the fact that you are not in your dream hotel. All that will matter is you and your partner.

5) Do not travel during peak travel season

Travel and hotel prices tend to spike during the peak
travel seasons. This does not mean you should postpone your honeymoon. It simply means that you should select a location that is in its off season during your honeymoon. Keep in mind that off season does not always mean that it is going to be poor weather. Most tropical locations have beautiful weather year-round, yet some will be cheaper during different times of the year.

6) Fly into smaller airports

Pricing flights to and from different airports that are in close proximity to each other can have an effect on the ticket price. Flying into littler airports can cut costs. Also, using little-known airlines will save money as well. If you are flying into an airport farther from your honeymoon destination, make sure that additional transportation costs will not overcome the money you just saved. It would not be wise to save a hundred dollars on airfare, but add it back in taxi fees.

7) Do your own cooking

The expense that is often thought impossible to cut down is the food expense; however, this is simply not true. Eating out creates immense bills, especially when drinks are added to the mix. Cooking in a hotel room without a kitchen may not be realistic, but if you are planning to rent a condo, expenses can be cut in the food department. Plan to stay in a few nights and make romantic candlelit dinners. Breakfast is a meal that can dig deep into your budget. Since you eat breakfast before you go out for the day, you can skip on the fancy resort restaurant and eat something small in your hotel room. Save that money for that one extravagant dinner, and make the most of your first days as a married couple by cooking your meals together.

With these helpful tips, it is easy to plan a special getaway for you and your partner, without going further into debt after your wedding. Spending quality time together is the object of a honeymoon, and this can easily be done on a budget.

This wedding planning resource about planning your honeymoon is brought to you by Digby & Rose Washington DC, makers of luxury wedding invitations for LetterPress and LetterPress Light.


Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.