Cheesy Potato Soup Recipe

Meatless Mondays Cheesy Potato Soup- Vegetarian, gluten-free, thrifty meal! Make it your way! I am such a big fan of one-pot meals. The idea that I can throw everything together in one dish is just so appealing- no extra steps, no giant pile of dirty dishes awaiting me at the end of my labor. That’s … Continue reading “Cheesy Potato Soup Recipe”

Announcing Meatless Mondays, with the help of a new contributing blogger!

I’ve been watching the Meatless Monday movement for some time- I love their environmentally friendly message, and their push to get more fresh fruits and vegetables in front of families everywhere. Never heard of them? Check them out!   They have free resources, tips, and recipes for meatless meals you and your family will love! … Continue reading “Announcing Meatless Mondays, with the help of a new contributing blogger!”

23 Clean Eating Recipes

Clean Eating Recipe Roundup Do you always tell yourself that you need to eat better? How about eating healthier? I hear that from people all the time. I have said it myself several times.  I even posted not too long about some tips for clean eating.  It really is not hard. The Eat-Clean diet principles … Continue reading “23 Clean Eating Recipes”

Orange Juice Pops Recipe

It is hot like fire outside according to my toddler.  Hot like fire.  I agree with him.  You know what hot days need?  Homemade juice pops! My kids eat a ton of summer ice treats like popsicles, ice cream, sherbert, and ice pops.  I think its awesome that they like healthy treats like this orange … Continue reading “Orange Juice Pops Recipe”