Empire Covers Review

I was recently given the chance to review something I never thought I would review. A cover for my car from Empire Covers! I know, it’s amazing right? As my friends will tell you I hate the fall and the spring because we have so many trees around my house. So every Monday my car … Continue reading “Empire Covers Review”

Veiled Book Tour

Welcome to this leg of the Veiled Book Tour. All I can say about this book is wow. Well, that’s not all I am going to say but you will have to read on for the rest. Veiled was written by S.B. Niccum and is labeled Speculative Christian Young Adult Fiction. Here is the blurb … Continue reading “Veiled Book Tour”

BrytonPick Review!

I was recently given the opportunity to review BrytonPick! I dont know about you but I am always forgetting to floss unless I get something in my teeth. I am betting most people are just like me. BrytonPick is a quick solution when there is no time or place to floss. I was surprised at … Continue reading “BrytonPick Review!”