Empire Covers Review

I was recently given the chance to review something I never thought I would review. A cover for my car from Empire Covers! I know, it’s amazing right? As my friends will tell you I hate the fall and the spring because we have so many trees around my house. So every Monday my car is either covered in tree sap or pollen. My coworkers can tell I have cats since there are always little dirty cat paw prints on my hood. Since we have two cars I thought it would be awesome to have a cover for mine during the weekend when my husband is home.

Empire Covers was kind enough to send me a cover for my Honda Civic. They have an amazing selection of Car Covers. All types of cars and years. They also have a waterproof SUV covers and a waterproof truck covers.The first thing I thought when I got it out the box was that I didnt think it would fit my car. It came in a small, easy to carry bag with a strap.

Here is my car with the cover on it. It was very easy to put on my car and I did it all by myself. It also didnt take but a minute to do it. What I like is the fact that the carrying bag is attached to the cover. It just tucks under the cover so you cant misplace it or lose it. It will always be there when you need to put the cover up. It looks wrinkly but thats because it was stuffed down in the bag.

If my awesome cover isn’t amazing enough, Empire Covers also sent me some Rug Wrap! I had never heard of that before and was extremely interested once I found out what it was. Car Protection is something that is highly needed when you have kids and cats that are always in your car. Rug Wrap is a premium 3 mil carpet protection for your vehicle that can be left on up to thirty days. Each roll measures 18 in. x 50 ft.
I immediately put it on my rugs in my car and my husbands CRV especially the back hatch area. No more paying to have my car detailed every time we got to the vet and one of our cats has an ‘accident’ in his carrier or when my son begs for a Coke Zero so I let him have a sip and he spills more than half of it (two days after I bought the car). That’s not the only car protection they offer. They also have Road Wrap which is a plastic film which covers your car. They have an entire line of pet protection products as well! Empire Covers is an godsend to me now. I may even let my younger son start carrying his sippy cup in the car again. Maybe.

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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