Misfires and Misfits: How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes of Gifting

The gift of having to give is a misfortune for those who are terrible at selecting items for others. The misfortune is double-edged considering those receiving must feign appreciation while having little to no use for age inappropriate, impractical, and last minute items. If you really want to make a good impression, avoid the common … Continue reading “Misfires and Misfits: How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes of Gifting”

Tips for Clean Living

We are immersed in poison, inside and out, thanks to the world we live in. It is easier for people to exist in pollution and toxins because they are cheap and quick to buy, to wear, to live in.  It is high time we cleaned up the unwanted toxic garbage which is the harbingers of … Continue reading “Tips for Clean Living”

Be #CartonSmart with Tetra Pak

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carton Smart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Imagine if everyone made one small, smart decision a day. This holiday season, Tetra Pak wants to inspire people to make small, smart decisions when cooking for their families and stocking their pantries. Their Tetra … Continue reading “Be #CartonSmart with Tetra Pak”