I posted recently about getting to join the Nutrisystem Nation. Well, I finished my first week of Nutrisystem on Friday! I could hardly wait to tell everyone about it. I came home on Wednesday night and there were 6 HUGE boxes on my front porch. Then I got depressed because I bought a deep freeze … Continue reading “My Nutrisystem Journey-Week 1”
Category: health
Spreading Cheer (& Lemon Pound Cake) with #EqualSucralose #CBias
I recently posted about a great product that I found through a #CBias experience, #EqualSucralose! I baked some delicious chocolate chip cookies with it. I was asked again to shop for the brand new Equal Sucralose canisters. I already have two of the canisters at my house because of my last shop so I was … Continue reading “Spreading Cheer (& Lemon Pound Cake) with #EqualSucralose #CBias”
Improving My Health and Digestion with 4X Pro-B!
I am on a health kick! I am proud to say it and I don’t feel bad that I didn’t believe in diets or herbal remedies until I became a mom. You live, you learn. Or something like that. I think moms are probably the most unhealthy people out there. Moms don’t eat right, barely … Continue reading “Improving My Health and Digestion with 4X Pro-B!”
Starting My Journey with the Nutrisystem Nation #NSNation
I have written many times about my weight and how I wish I could fit in certain clothes and have energy again. I am not going to just write about it anymore. I am taking action. I have decided that I need to get fit in order to stay well. I have been sick for … Continue reading “Starting My Journey with the Nutrisystem Nation #NSNation”
PMD – Home Microderm Abrasion Device Review
I was recently sent a PMD – Home Microderm Abrasion Device to try out and I cannot stop raving about it. I have never had bad skin really. As a teenager, I was lucky enough to never have breakouts despite living on Mountain Dew and Taco Bell. However, my luck ran out when I turned … Continue reading “PMD – Home Microderm Abrasion Device Review”
Chocolate Chip Cookies With #EqualSucralose #cbias
I have been trying to bring my family around to a more healthy lifestyle in the past few months. We stopped getting white bread and pasta and started using wheat or whole grain. We haven’t been eating out as much and we are not drinking any soft drinks. So when I was told recently that … Continue reading “Chocolate Chip Cookies With #EqualSucralose #cbias”
Oligonol & AHCC Review & NYHE Sponsor Spotlight
I was recently sent two wonderful products for the NYHE event from Quality of Life Labs. Quality of Life Labs, Inc. backs their products with more than 25 years of clinical research, clinical trials and technical scientific support to create only the highest of quality products. I told them I wanted to start fresh with … Continue reading “Oligonol & AHCC Review & NYHE Sponsor Spotlight”
Defying Doctors, Antibiotics, and Benefits of Breastfeeding
Well, Baby E is at it again. He has yet another ear infection. He has had this one for a month now. How did we get to this point? Surgery? My 13 month old needs surgery? What parent ever wants to hear that? The road so far (distant echoing of ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’): … Continue reading “Defying Doctors, Antibiotics, and Benefits of Breastfeeding”
Updates on Kat!!!!
There hasnt been much action on this blog lately. I wanted to show and tell why. 🙂 As many of you know, I had my baby in September and went back to work in January 🙁 So I have been busy, busy! And Mawmaw is also super busy trying to get her house fixed up. … Continue reading “Updates on Kat!!!!”