Raising Frugal Kids

Raising Frugal Kids Children are rarely involved in the day to day decisions of their family’s financial picture but constantly want things that cost money. There should be a better step by step guide to raising frugal kids but here are some tips. Why shouldn’t kids learn the value of money by helping the family … Continue reading “Raising Frugal Kids”

Kmart Layaway Every Day

This is a sponsored post. I am a Kmart blogger, though all opinions are my own. Have you heard of the new shopping condition? It’s called ‘Layaway Regret.’ Experts describe it as feeling the opposite of the common condition ‘buyer’s remorse.’ Many have experience symptoms of general discomfort, mental anguish and a longing feeling. Apparently … Continue reading “Kmart Layaway Every Day”

How to Grow Cabbage

Growing Cabbage Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that is eaten year round in many households across the world. It is so popular that you may find that your farmers market has a hard time keeping a ready supply of their specialty cabbages for their customers. You might find that cabbage is costly in the grocery … Continue reading “How to Grow Cabbage”

What is Organic Gardening?

What is Organic Gardening?   Organic gardening is something that you hear about all the time, but few actually know what it means. Organic gardening is much more than simply leaving out the toxins. It takes a fairly committed approach to have an organic garden that is both attractive and fruitful. Here are some general … Continue reading “What is Organic Gardening?”

Frugal Tips to Help You Save

Frugal Tips to Help You Save It is hard being a parent and trying to make ends meet, especially when everyday necessities are sky-rocketing and your paycheck is not. Taking that into consideration and the fact that the kids are out of school for the summer, trying to make ends meet, and keep them entertained … Continue reading “Frugal Tips to Help You Save”