The best way to avoid the dreaded Holiday Tummy! Tips Inside! #PinkRelief

I received compensation or products for this post. As always, all opinions are my own.  #PinkRelief

As we all know, it’s the season for indulgence. As a matter of fact, it’s the season for OVER-indulgence. Very often, despite vows to do otherwise, we end up at one too many holiday parties having one too many chocolate lava cakes, or portions of Aunt Wanda’s Super Pickle Potato Salad, and before you know it, BAM! HOLIDAY TUMMY. Your stomach has had quite enough, and it has no problem at all letting you know, and in the most unpleasant ways.

Pumpkin pie on a brown background

There are ways to help limit your chances of coming down with a roaring case of Holiday Tummy, and they’re pretty fail-safe, barring the odd five-layer dip featuring jalapeños that are a little too spirited. Just use some of the following strategies to enjoy your holiday celebrations but avoid that Holiday Tummy:

Get a to-go plate. If you’re worried about not getting some of everything, DON’T try to cram it all in! Eat a few of your favorites and then make a to-go plate which you can eat later in a more moderate manner.

Don’t show up starving- eat a small, healthy snack before you go, like an apple or a banana with a little nut butter. If you don’t show up feeling like you want to eat EVERYTHING, odds are pretty good that you can moderate your intake and not overdo it.

Take half-portions. If you normally like to fill your plate with that lovely extra-cheesy baked macaroni casserole Cousin Walter always makes, try and take just half what you’d normally take, and see if that satisfies your craving. You’d be surprised at what size portion will leave you feeling satisfied vs what makes you feel like you need to be carried back to your car with a wheelbarrow.

Lastly, and this one is very important, because if there are extra-saucy jalapenos in that five-layer dip, or if your intake of dairy has suddenly and without warning become a major issue, then you will want relief as soon as you can get it. Arm yourself against Holiday Tummy with Pepto Bismol!

Pepto Bismol is a little miracle worker- it helps counteract five different kinds of digestive distress-
Upset Stomach


And it is available in the traditional liquid, To-Go packs, and in chewables. Pepto Bismol is one thing that every holiday party needs this season- both for the ones you go to, and the ones you host! Help prevent unhappy Holiday Tummy in yourself by having some Pepto To-Go in your pocket or purse, and help prevent it in your guests by having some at your next holiday gathering.

So remember these steps for moderation, and if moderation fails, don’t forget the Pepto!

Author: Amy

Amy is a homeschooling mom of two teens that just relocated to a small neighborhood close to downtown Birmingham, AL. She enjoys gardening, travel, crochet, embroidery, and exploring a more urban lifestyle. To contact Generations of Savings for sponsorship, reviews, giveaways, press trips, or general information please email [email protected]

2 thoughts on “The best way to avoid the dreaded Holiday Tummy! Tips Inside! #PinkRelief”

  1. That pic of pumpkin pie is driving me nuts! It’s another 8 1/2 months until Thanksgiving… I think I need to see if I can pick one up to curb the craving. It’s really hard for me not to over indulge in desserts I love any time of year, let alone the holidays. 🙂

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