Park Playdate at Veterans Park for the Win

I have been so busy this summer.  I am sure I have mentioned that when we moved five years ago that we moved almost an hour from all of our friends and family.  So all summer I have been driving back and forth from my mom’s house or my grandmother’s house.  This week I have gotten gas three times at $65 each time.  In ONE week.  I have been picking up teenagers and driving my mom to her appointments and doing lots of coupon shopping.  I am tired.  I am glad that I have a great park that is sort of nearby so that we can decompress and get rid of the awful driving everywhere funk.  Its worth another 10 minute drive. The Veterans Park in Alabaster, AL is a great place to relax and have fun.

summer play dates at the park

My daughter loves the swings. She thinks the wind rushing by her is hilarious.  My park sadly doesn’t have the old kind of swings anymore so I cant swing.  I used to be a ‘high jump swing champion’ when I was in school.


My toddler just thinks everything about the park is great.  He loves to go HIGH on the swings but not too high.  Basically he likes to think I can catch the swing if I push it so I pull him way back and then catch him.  He loves it.


What is this stuff? She was entirely unsure of the stuff under her feet.  She only has one pair of shoes which I lose five times a week so barefoot it is.  She kinda loved it though.  Isnt that the best outfit?  A baby halter top with flair pants?  They have ruffles at the bottom.


And a wild Daddy appears!  My husband worked all day at one of his jobs and still came to join us at the park.  So all the kids immediately gravitated towards the Daddy.  They like him best you know.


And my 12 year old shows back up.  He loves the skate park there. He thinks all the skaters are cool. I wish I had someone to teach him better moves on his skateboard but I think it would go badly if I went up to a random teenager and gave them some money to play with my preteen.  I am pretty sure they would think I was giving free candy out of my van and run away.  He always plays so hard at the park that his hair is soaked and he smells like a wet dog.  Anyone else have that problem with their preteen boys?  That horrible wet dog smell that wont go away?

So next time you need to relax this summer you should check out your local park!  You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to have fun just like you did when you were a kid!


Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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