Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge, TN #Brandcation


Did you know that you can visit a whole slew of stars in Pigeon Forge?  Neither did I until I was set to go on my Brandcation trip and found out about the Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge TN.  First of all, I was kind of scared because I have seen both versions of House of Wax and neither ends well.  Then I was excited to see if they had Angelina Jolie and I was so going to take a picture of plain Jane me standing next to total hotness.

The first thing we got to do when we walked in was take a picture with the giant ape. We were in its hand and we took one happy, one screaming pic. I liked the screaming pic the best.


After that we started our walk through the museum. There were so many famous people that popped out at me right away. They have a line on the hallway so that you know you are going the right way and dont get lost.



They have these signs next to wax people that show some stats and things that make them awesome. Of course, Sir Michael Caine is so amazing he doesnt need a sign.



Of course I had to go find some sexy. I know I am a dork but I was like Hey Vin. And of course Sean Connery is so sexy that he will always be amazing.



Then I had to get some pics of my husband’s favorite people. I wanted to make him jealous and he was. He says on our next vacation he is getting a pic with Clint Eastwood. Scary people came next! I had to get pics of all the scary people for my best friend Shane. He will probably critique them but thats what he does best.




And some more scary people or people that should be scary.




I was really sad that I didnt see Freddy Krueger. Maybe I missed him but if he isnt there, I think that should be your next addition Hollywood Wax Museum.



I had to get some country music awesomeness. Willie is just so amazing. It looks just like him. And Dolly is always gorgeous even in wax.


Since I am pregnant, I had to get a pic of Hef while holding my belly. Hef gave me my baby. I laughed and laughed. The girls with me thought it was hilarious.

So if you want to see all the stars and take ridiculous pictures with them, check out the Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge TN. You can also check them out on Facebook.

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

One thought on “Hollywood Wax Museum Pigeon Forge, TN #Brandcation”

  1. OMG how totally awesome! I can't believe how life like they are. If ever I get the chance I will definitely go there. Thanks for sharing

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