Here and There and the Computer Chair! #breastfeeding

Do you have a favorite place to nurse? Are there places you think breastfeeding would be inappropriate? Any places you wish were more breastfeeding-friendly? Tell us about it!
My favorite place to nurse is my computer chair! My nursing pillow fits in there perfectly and I can blog while feeding the baby. I dont strain my back leaning over him. We nurse there at least 4-5 times a day. I need a new computer chair but I am worried my new one wont be as good as the last one. My other favorite place to nurse is our big red leather lazy boy type chair. I drag it up to beside the computer at night and watch my husband play video games while I nurse Baby E to sleep.
There is no where that is nursing friendly anywhere near me. I have never seen a store with a nursing room, or a restuarant that I didn’t think would call the cops if I started to nurse. That hasn’t stopped me though, I will still do it.  I am noticing more and more women breastfeeding in public. The past couple of times I have met with my Mommy group,, two of the ladies who are breastfeeding have done it while we were eating. No one said anything. Maybe because we are a huge group of mommies with lots of kids lol. They were very discreet. I like that. I don’t expose myself when breastfeeding. I may not use a cover but I am pretty sure no one would even know what I was doing if they werent standing beside me. I will defend your right to BF anyway you like, even if you take your shirt off, but that doesnt mean I am going to do it myself.
I really wish that the Birmingham Library was nursing friendly. When we go, we are there forever. My older son and husband take forever and ever to pick out books. I just grab whats new on the YA books display.  I read so fast that I can have a dozen books done in a week so I am getting to be not as picky as before. Now that I have the baby though, I want to get in and get out before he starts getting upset. So if I had a place to nurse him, I could let my other boys be as picky as they like and just relax. Everyone would win.
Any thoughts on BF’ing in the library? How about at restaurants? Ever see someone you wish would cover up while breastfeeding in public?

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

One thought on “Here and There and the Computer Chair! #breastfeeding”

  1. I think you should nurse him at the library! Just find a quiet area with a chair somewhere, or sit on the floor in part of the children's section with your boys 🙂 I've nursed in my library several times, I've gotten a few looks, but no comments. ~Melissa,

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