Fluffy’s Guardian Angel Book Review and Blog Tour

About the book:
Fluffy is a precocious, fun-loving little dog who loves to play — especially outdoors. The trouble begins when she goes out to play in the snow and gets lost. For weeks, Fluffy goes on an endless quest to get back home — without success. Compounding matters are her close encounters with big, menacing bears and snarling cougars — critters whom she thought would like to devour her.
All the while, Fluffy feels that someone is watching her from a distance — and strangely protecting her. Who could this mysterious being be?
Inspired by a real-life incident that befell on Donald Bussel and his four-legged best friend, Fluffy’s Guardian Angel is a colorful, fun-filled children’s picture book that will teach young readers some very important lessons about life.
Vividly brought to life by the illustrations of Michigan artist Frank Roosa, Fluffy’s Guardian Angel is one “heavenly” addition to any child’s book collection!

I recently got the chance to read Fluffy’s Guardian Angel by Donald Bussel. I know this sounds bad but even though most of the other bloggers on the blog tour probably got the book to read to their children, I wanted it for me. I love books like this. Especially ones that are based in reality like this one. I just wish everyone knew how much our pets affect our lives. They have personalities and lives and maybe if people realized that, there wouldn’t be so many abandoned animals.  I found out that Donald found Fluffy at a shelter and adopted her. All of my pets are strays I have brought in or adopted from the shelter so I commend him. So many people look past the abandoned animals for ‘new’ puppies or kittens or well bred ones. I think this would be a great book to give to any child or adult who loves animals.

Don’t worry, I did give the book to my older son when I was done reading it. He said he wished he had a Keeshond like Fluffy. There is a great prologue which describes this fantastic breed in the book. He liked the book a lot and read it in one sitting. Little M has ADHD so you can tell thats a big deal for him. He got a little scared in the middle when a farmer tries to shot Fluffy. He even brought the book to school with him the next day so he could show his teacher and she thought it was very cute. 

In closing, I really love the idea behind this book. I have had many pets that I truly thought were looking out for me, why couldn’t there be someone out there looking out for them? Everyone deserves a guardian angel.

You can purchase Fluffy’s Guardian Angel on the website. The book is also available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!



Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.