I received Fit Moms for Life about a month ago. At first I was like, oh, I will start tomorrow. Oh, this weekend I will look at it. I started reading the book about 2 weeks ago at work and I feel so ashamed of myself. What I was doing is what I have always been doing. I always have a reason to not exercise. But now that I am on a diet and I am trying to be healthier, I am going to change my life. I will not give in to the tomorrows any longer. I want to be healthy today.
Fit Moms for Life: How to Have Endless Energy to Outplay Your Kids by Dustin Maher is a great book if you really want to help yourself. According to the back of the book, it has “31 transformation stories from women like you, how to burn 5-8 times more fat without cardio, an eating plan and recipes for balanced meals, one exercise that can shrink your waistline without diet changes, a training program that burns fat while you sleep, how to get your kids to eat healthy and move more, the ultimate form of accountability, and the five pillars necessary for lasting success”. Dustin’s inspiration to help moms comes from his nurturing upbringing and continued close relationship with his own mom. Dustin has helped thousands of women get in amazing shape all over the US and the world. He has been on TV close to 100 times and has been in many magazines, newspapers, radio shows, has over 250 YouTube videos, and over 450 articles and videos on his website.
Dustin takes readers through the five pillars of fitness: Mindset, Nutrition, Strength Training, Burst Training, and Environment. These lead to the end goal: Staying Fit for Life. My biggest problem and I bet a lot of other moms agree is Mindset. I put myself last in all things, I would rather get 20 minutes extra sleep in the mornings instead of trying to make myself a healthy breakfast and I would rather sit down at night instead of exercising. However, after reading Fit Moms for Life, I made myself some realistic goals and expectations. I am not looking to lose 50 lbs right away or be a size 5 again. After two children and 20 years of being an avid book reader (which doesn’t require you to move from the couch) I doubt I will fit in a 5 again ever. That doesn’t mean that I cant look great in a size 9 though. I want to be able to play with my children and my grandchildren. I want to be healthy enough to have another child soon. Very soon. So I picked up the book, wrote down my goals, and took some basic fitness tests.
The first time I did the exercises in the book I nearly died. I could only plank for like 40 seconds before I collapsed. I can now do it for 2 minutes without getting wobbly. I can feel the extra strength in my arms and in my abs when I exercise. And pushups? Please. I could barely do one. Of course, I do have an old wrist injury which hurts a TON every time I try to do a pushup but I worked through it and now I can do 5 push ups without dying. I am taking baby steps because that is what I need to do in order to keep going. I can really say that Dustin Maher is amazing and after reading his book, I am really motivated. I read those stories of what other women have accomplished and it really made me want to stick to it. I am done with trying to do cardio without results. I am working to better me so that I can be a better mom to my children. And cause I want to look like this again. 145 lbs was so long ago!

Wanna connect with Dustin Maher? You can visit his website, DustinMaherfitness.com or FitMomsforLife.com.You can also like Fit Moms for Life on Facebook and follow on Twitter to keep up with articles, great promotions, and ways to stay fit for life!
Wanna connect with Dustin Maher? You can visit his website, DustinMaherfitness.com or FitMomsforLife.com.You can also like Fit Moms for Life on Facebook and follow on Twitter to keep up with articles, great promotions, and ways to stay fit for life!
I've got to work on health I need to loose 10lbs. I have high blood pressure. All Moms-no matter what our age need to stay fit.