KY Intimacy Experiment Day #7

Day 7 of the KY Intimacy Experiment is “Sometimes a Fantasy”.  It’s all about creating your own ‘love map” which according to the pamphlet refers to “the sexual template expressed in every individual’s erotic fantasies and practices”.  Hmm, ok I am willing to find my love map…. So we got started in the day exercise. … Continue reading “KY Intimacy Experiment Day #7”

KY Intimacy Experiment Day #6

Day 6 of the KY Intimacy Experiment is “Getting Back in Touch” and you guessed it, its about TOUCH. We have learned that touching, hugging, and things of that sort can increase oxytocin, “the cuddle hormone” that makes us feel safe and loved. However, according to the pamphlet, it can also improve physical health by lowering blood … Continue reading “KY Intimacy Experiment Day #6”

KY Intimacy Experiment Day #3

Day 3 of the KY Intimacy Experiment is the ” Everything Old is New Again” day. I really liked the description of this day. One section I liked, “Newness and novelty trigger the release of the potent brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which play a key role in sexual arousal. Novelty, mystery, and unpredictability all … Continue reading “KY Intimacy Experiment Day #3”

KY Intimacy Experiment Day #2

Day 2 of the  KY Intimacy Experiment is aptly named It’s Not Just About Sex. Day 2 is about tracking how often you and your partner interact in positive ways. According to the pamphlet, “Studies show that successful relationships tend to have a high ratio of positive to negative interactions. Experts believe that the ratio … Continue reading “KY Intimacy Experiment Day #2”