Please follow these people for the $100 Amazon Giveaway
Follow @OnlineJobsNmore
Follow @Triptrippertips
Follow @DorkyCrystal
Follow @alchemyofscrawl
Follow @pynkNymphette
Cooking, Travel, and Cats with a Southern Twist
followed all twitter EXCEPT @TheSeriesJunkie as it doesn't exist on Twitter
the series junkie link is not valid. liked all others!
My recent post Giveaway | Diamond Candle Bonanza {ends 8/24}
Followed all but the series junkie. Not valid.
I fixed hers. She is now @NightOwlReads so her old link didnt work.
same – series junkie can't be found
same – series junkie can't be found or it gives me an error
My recent post Promotional Book Tours Aug 3rd Group Giveaway
Follwed all but series junkie–didn't work
@GoingFrugal does not exisit….
Followed all on Twitter!!
No GoingFrugal.
Did both lists with the exception of @,GoingFrugal on Twitter, where I got a message that it doesn't exist.
@GoingFrugal does not exist according to twitter !
going frugal link is not working
going frugal does not exist.
GoingFrugal is not working
@tubbytelly is the WRONG twitter account (it has never tweeted or followed anyone). It should be @_tubbytelly!!!!!
My recent post Could You Use a FREE $50 to Amazon, Costco or Walmart?