Winter 2013 Blogathon Bash Kick Off Post


The Winter 2013 Blogathon is this weekend, January 25-28! Its fun and free! The Blogathon starts at 8:00am EST today and ends at 8:00am EST on Monday!  I loved doing this last last summer and I really felt like I got a ton done that I would not have done normally. There is always a huge list of to do’s that I have that I put off for doing the here and now.   Here is my kick off post from then.  Here is my resolution post and I won an awesome prize for participating in the mini challenges!

My Goals for the Winter 2013 Blogathon

  • I am definitely ready for the mini challenges, I plan to complete as many as I can.
  • I plan on pitching at least 20 different places for February.
  • I am going to write up my requests for Profnet, Reporter Connection, and that other place I cant remember right now for reviews for the new baby coming in April
  • I’ll write and schedule two blog posts.
  • I plan on no indexing some old posts or adding content to the ones that are low which I know will take some time but its worth it!

There are a few ways you can participate if you want to join in! You dont even have to join in if you have plans this weekend, just stop by and support other blogs!

There is still time to join the blogathon!!! If you join, make sure to sign up and do a kick-off post.   It is a fun way to connect with other bloggers.  You can get your own stuff done, make your blog more streamlined or enhance your writing style, and you can win prizes!  So clear off your desk, get some snacks ready, make a great list of things you need to do and sign up for the Blogathon!

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

3 thoughts on “Winter 2013 Blogathon Bash Kick Off Post”

  1. I am trying to go by and visit everyone from the blogathon! (And follow on twitter/pinterest/fb..i'm doing good except on the FB..that always takes me longer!) (i'm xxpollypocket on pinterest and twitter and nicholes.autumn.rain is my fb page)

    I hope you accomplished a lot. I didn't get as much done as i'd have liked, but…there is always next time! 🙂

    My post is here
    hope we can connect and get to know eachother better! 🙂
    My recent post picture prints.

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