How safe is your surfing? A fab solution to protecting your internet privacy #PrivacyIsNoGame

There’s a problem every internet user has, and we all know about it. Odds are, you’ve worried about it at least once over the last week or so: Online Privacy. It’s important. Our every online move is tracked and recorded by the search engines we use, the websites we frequent, and sometimes our personal information … Continue reading “How safe is your surfing? A fab solution to protecting your internet privacy #PrivacyIsNoGame”

The new AMD FX Special Edition APU Laptop- Designed for Gaming -and- Productivity!

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. HP has come out with a laptop designed with a powerful mobile processor that delivers an exceptional gaming and entertainment experience- the AMD FX Special Edition APU. It’s perfect for … Continue reading “The new AMD FX Special Edition APU Laptop- Designed for Gaming -and- Productivity!”