How safe is your surfing? A fab solution to protecting your internet privacy #PrivacyIsNoGame


There’s a problem every internet user has, and we all know about it. Odds are, you’ve worried about it at least once over the last week or so: Online Privacy. It’s important. Our every online move is tracked and recorded by the search engines we use, the websites we frequent, and sometimes our personal information is available without us even knowing it based on how we connect to the internet. But seeing as how not many of us are IT professionals, we generally don’t have a great understanding or a clear idea of the risks or how we can adequately protect our privacy online. Most of us don’t even know what might be available to use as safeguards. And most of us have a serious digital footprint to deal with. #PrivacyIsNoGame

I’ve stumbled across a solution to this problem that we all have- how to protect our online privacy. And it’s pretty simple- even though you might *feel* like there’s nothing you can do without a high degree of computer savvy, a developer in Finland called F-Secure has taken their savvy and made it accessible to all of us! Their new VPN product called Freedome takes the computer know-how and condenses it into an easy to use program (also available as an app!) that allows everyone regardless of skill level to keep their online usage untracked, safe, and secure.

Article: Why Aren’t You Using a VPN?

A VPN keeps your surfing private and untrackable. It removes geo-restrictions so you can access blocked services regardless of your location. It protects you on public Wi-Fi connections, preventing other people from accessing your private information through a connection you may not even realize is unsecure. And it will block bad apps and harmful sites as well! Freedome offers all this and more in its VPN program and app. It’s simple to install and easy to use.

You can enjoy a FREE three month trial of Freedome VPN just by using the code below:


Freedome supports the following platforms:
Android 4.03 or later
iOS7 or later
Windows 7 or later
Windows mobile currently not available

So try it now, and be sure and share this post with the people in your life that need real, user-friendly options in their online usage! Be sure and tell them about the FREE 3 month promo-code too!

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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