Orange Juice Pops Recipe

It is hot like fire outside according to my toddler.  Hot like fire.  I agree with him.  You know what hot days need?  Homemade juice pops! My kids eat a ton of summer ice treats like popsicles, ice cream, sherbert, and ice pops.  I think its awesome that they like healthy treats like this orange … Continue reading “Orange Juice Pops Recipe”

Salted Caramel Recipe

Ingredients for Salted Caramel: 1/2  cup sugar 2  tablespoons heavy cream 2  tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces Gray sea salt or flaky sea salt    Directions: Bring sugar and 2 tablespoons water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. This will take a few minutes Increase … Continue reading “Salted Caramel Recipe”