STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI – New Special Look #TheLastJedi

During Game 7 of the World Series, fans got a special, brand-new look at STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. I wasn’t the only one surprised. My social media was flooded with it. Why do they tease us so much??? Why cant it be coming out now? STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI opens in theatres everywhere December 15th and that is just too long to wait. I want to be the very first one in the theater especially after seeing this new trailer!

“Darkness rises and light to meet it!”  AHH! Its too much.

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© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
© 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

3 thoughts on “STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI – New Special Look #TheLastJedi”

  1. I can not wait to see this movie next month. We are Star Wars fans and have seen all the movies and this new one looks great!

  2. We are so excited to see this movie, I know I should have prebought the tickets though. It’s going to be sold out.

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