Spicing Up Married Life with Trojan

Disclaimer:  This post may contain material meant for eyes 18+.  Also, if you are related to me STOP READING NOW! Also, I did check with my doctor first before trying any of these products due to being pregnant and having sensitive skin.

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Ok I know that I am not the person most people think of when it comes to the more ‘adult’ products.  In fact, I am pretty sure the people I used to work with are surprised that I have children because I am so modest.  We all know where children come from or hopefully we do. I mean, I don’t even wear skirts that are two inches above my knees.  Well, not anymore at least since I was a teenager.  Either way I am rambling again like I do.  I was recently sent a great box of stuff from Trojan to review including Trojan lubricant and when I saw it on my steps I was like what? I didn’t order anything.  It was hilarious because I had been expecting a small box and I got a big clothes box like that a nice shirt would come in.

Inside the box I got a very nice surprise because not only was the box lovely but it had shimmery tissue paper as well.  I am sucker for presentation so I knew it was going to be awesome.  Trojan sent me their brand new line of lubricants. They also sent me a lovely, sexy silky robe. However, my husband seemed to think it was meant for him because he tried it on that night over his pajamas and thought he was hot stuff. Ignore the bed head, he had already put the kids to sleep while I stayed up to work.

The sexy robe was just the little extra Trojan threw in for me.  The main thing was the lubricants and they all were so pretty! They had such lovely boxes that I hated to open them. The first one that I tried was the Tingly Warmth.  I tried it on my leg first because I have had bad experiences with lubricants that ‘tingle’ or have ‘warmth’.   It did do both but not to a crazy extent and if it didn’t break me out or hurt me (silly redhead, super sensitive skin) then I was pretty sure it would be ok for my husband.  It was not sticky or slimy.  We only used it at the beginning and it did not need to be reapplied.  It was also unscented which is always a plus for me.


We tried the Continuous Silkiness a few days later (married, pregnant life with kids, sometimes its longer than a few days). It was more of a natural lubricant. No extras or flares, just ‘continuous lubrication for uninterrupted pleasure’. It is also unscented and clear like the Tingly Warmth. It was very silky feeling and it came in a beautiful blue shimmery bottle. I think I liked the packaging better than the product.

My favorite and probably my husband’s as well (he is shy, he wouldn’t tell me) was the Arouses and Intensifies lubricant. I am blushing as I write this but it is meant for, ‘foreplay massage and manual clitoral stimulation.’ Oh my goodness that was hard to write. It heats, it cools, it tingles, its awesome. It was like a roller coaster ride with all the different sensations.

So if you love the Trojan brand, you definitely need to check out their brand new line of lubricants!  Their suggested retail is $19.99. To learn more about TROJAN™ Lubricants or other TROJAN™ product innovations, visit www.TrojanLubricants.com, www.TrojanCondoms.com or www.TrojanVibrations.com. According to this great article on the release of the new products and a study that was done, Americans are clearly feeling the benefits with nearly 82 percent of users believing lubricant enhances sexual pleasure.

Trojan is letting Generations of Savings give away one new Trojan Lubricant to FIVE Winners! Enter to win on the giveaway form below.

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Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at topkat@katbalogger.com to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

35 thoughts on “Spicing Up Married Life with Trojan”

  1. LOL you and I sound alike. Very modest, sensitive skin. I have a rule never post anything I wouldn't want my Father in law or Pastor reading.

    I found when pregnant I needed something extra like this, but found most made me break out. I will have to remember these.

  2. We try and be spontaneous…as much as we can with a 3 yr old running around, lol. I buy outfits and panties.

  3. A little innocent roleplay and occasional change in venue or spontaneous timing can go a long way!

  4. LOL Not much… I'm actually getting a divorce, and will need this for future reference!! My ex never wanted to have sex or anything else to do with me.

  5. We try to spend time together nightly after the 4 kids have gone to sleep.Even if it is only 5 minutes before one of us falls asleep from exhaustion lol.

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