23 Blast DVD Giveaway

Rated PG-13 (brief drinking of alcohol on school property) / 1h 42m As a typical teenager, Travis Freeman (Mark Hapka) is a local hero both on and off the high-school football field in his small Kentucky town, but in 1997, Travis contracts an infection that destroys his optic nerve and renders him blind overnight. With … Continue reading “23 Blast DVD Giveaway”

Invite Bandz Giveaway

Invite Bandz Giveaway! Scenario: You want to throw a party; so that means getting together a guest list, sending out invitations, waiting for rsvps. Keeping track of who is coming and who isn’t and the list goes on. What if you could throw a party, send out your invites and then keep track of everything … Continue reading “Invite Bandz Giveaway”