Optimize your dog’s health with genetic testing from Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel 3.0

~This post is sponsored by Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel 3.0~


Genetic testing for potential risk factors is rapidly becoming a mainstream treatment option. With our modern and growing understanding of how genes affect health from digestion to medication, it’s becoming more and more critical to understand an individual’s genetic risk factors to be able to optimize human health. And the same hold true for our canine family members- loving pet owners can take advantage of advances in genetic science to better understand the health risks their furry friends might be exposed to, and, with the help of their veterinarian, use that information to help optimize nutrition and treatment options.

There are millions of mixed-breed dogs in the United States, and a sight-based evaluation of their breeds are generally only 25% accurate. That leaves a 75% chance of mis-identification which can lead to less effective treatment, nutrition, and behavioral plans for each mixed-breed dog. That’s where The Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel comes in! With close to 90% accuracy with a clean sample (a quick swab to the inside of your dog’s cheek) the Wisdom Panel 3.0 can provide targeted information to you about your pet’s specific needs based on their specific genetic and breed lineage, all the way back to the great-grandparent level.

One very important gene marker included in the Wisdom Panel 3.0 is the potentially life-saving MDR1 Genetic Mutation screening. MDR1 or Multi-Drug Resistance 1 is a genetic mutation found in some herding and sight hound breeds, as well as many mixed-breed dogs. Dogs with the MDR1-mutation may have severe adverse reactions to some common drugs, so it is important to test mixed-breed (and purebreds with the high-propensity breeds) dogs and for owners to share results with their veterinarian so they can provide the dog with for the best possible care. For more information on breeds and drugs affected by the MDR1 mutation, you should visit Wisdom Panel!

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The Wisdom Panel 3.0 offers a non-invasive way or truly understanding your furry family member’s genetic heritage and with it their genetic risks for the MDR1 mutation, as well as provide information you and your vet can use to gain a better understanding of your dog’s natural behavior quirks (to better target training), to tailor nutrition based on breed-associated needs, and to better understand the specific breed heritage your dog comes from. And the test only takes 2-3 weeks for results!

Visit Wisdom Panel to order online!

You cal also follow Wisdom Panel on social media to keep up with important updates, events, and great deals on their products!
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Wisdom Panel will also be at the December 5th Amazing Pet Expo Holiday in Scottsdale, AZ  to share more information about Wisdom Panel® 3.0 and educate loving pet owners on the benefits of Canine DNA testing.

Author: Amy

Amy is a homeschooling mom of two teens that just relocated to a small neighborhood close to downtown Birmingham, AL. She enjoys gardening, travel, crochet, embroidery, and exploring a more urban lifestyle. To contact Generations of Savings for sponsorship, reviews, giveaways, press trips, or general information please email [email protected]

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