Li’l Helper Bottle Holder Review


Now that I am feeling better and haven’t been so sick, I have been giving my new products that I received for my New Baby Gift Guide a try.  The Li’l Helper is a very cool new product that was made by a real dad.  It is not meant to replace mom or meant for you to leave your baby unattended but just to help mom out.  I know that I have been sitting at the computer trying to work while also trying to hold Elijah and nurse. This would have came in handy for me so that I could finally PUT HIM DOWN.  I swear the first few months of nursing I never put him down at all.


Obviously I don’t have a baby yet to try this awesome product out.  It is best for a baby 2 months to 9 months.  So I called one of my product reviewers who has a 15 week old baby and she came over with her son.  I was sent this grey one since I don’t know what sex my baby will be. They have several different colors though including pink, blue, green, and grey.  We tried it out with Baby C. and he looked soooo cute holding it!  He even grabbed the edges and tried to hold on himself.  I can really see this product helping babies learn to hold their own bottles and be more coordinated.  I sent it home with her to use with the baby more and tell me what she thought.


I think my favorite part of the Li’l Helper Bottle Holder is that is BPA-free!  It has these little rattles at the bottom edges to keep your baby occupied playing and eating.  This would have been great when Elijah was about 6 months because he got into that distracted phase where he wanted to suck a bit and then look around, act surprised that he wasn’t sucking anymore and ravenously latch on again and then do it all again.

It is a great baby shower gift. I am glad I have one already to make all the other new mommies jealous!   I really like the green one so I am considering getting myself another one.  At $17.99, these things are a steal for all the help they offer a busy mom.  Also, mother’s day is coming up so check this out for all the moms of infants out there!

For more information on Li’l Helper, check out their Facebook and Twitter page!

You can enter to WIN a Li’l Helper from Generations of Savings. Just enter on the giveaway form below.

 photo freeproductreview.png

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

17 thoughts on “Li’l Helper Bottle Holder Review”

  1. What I like most about this product is that it helps babies learn how to feed themselves. It grows independence and parents definitely want that for their children!

  2. I love the idea that this product will clear up some more time to get some other things done without my son needing me every moment!
    My recent post FLASH GIVEAWAY! Win a Mystery Envelope of Coupons! (Valued at at least $50!) TODAY ONLY!!!

  3. Pingback: Li’l Helper Baby Bottle Holder Giveaway | Just Sweep
  4. I really like where it helps the babies to learn to hold the bottle by themselves….this would help my daughter with the twins that she is having

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