Back to School: How to Balance Sports with Multiple Kids

back to school

Back to school season is here whether you are ready or not. With the back to school season comes the all too familiar sports season and if you have multiple kids playing sports in the same season it can become a challenge to balance the sports schedule. Today we want to provide you with some tips to learn how to balance sports with multiple kids.

Put Limits on Number of Sports

Before sports season is in full swing, discuss what limits need to be placed on sports. Discuss the needs, desires and strengths of each kid. Learn which sports are important to each kid and plan accordingly. Take into consideration other responsibilities you and the kids will have during the school year. Placing a limit on each kid’s sports activity will make it easier to balance sports with multiple kids.

Create a Sports Calendar

Place a large calendar in the middle of the main area of your home, such as the kitchen. Have a specific color for each kid and highlight the dates and times of each sporting event. This will allow you to have a visual of when sports are happening and for what kid. As your kids get older and can drive themselves, the calendar will be useful to know where your teen driver is. Discuss with your spouse how the driving to and from each sporting event will happen. Place a color coded asterisks symbol beside each sporting event to determine which parent will be responsible to get the kids there that day.


Create a Snack Pack in the Car

Create an area that you place on the go snacks in, such as a cooler or other container to ensure your kid’s nutritional needs are being met. There are many quick on the go snack options that provide protein and valuable minerals for kids. These types of on the go snacks must be something that has a long shelf life so you can stock up during back to school shopping season. Having a snack pack in the car alleviates the need to return home between sporting events with multiple kids.

Sports Are Great For Kids and Families

Participating in team sports is an important part of youth, not only does it provide the necessary exercise your kids need but it helps them to learn some life lessons. Team sports provide the chance for kids to learn about teamwork in a fun environment while also learning how to balance their responsibilities. So as long as you provide the example on best practices to balancing sports with multiple kids, you will be teaching your kids to do the same with their ever changing schedule.


Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

One thought on “Back to School: How to Balance Sports with Multiple Kids”

  1. These are good suggestions – it can sure get out of control – and parents have a hard time keeping up to this craziness! even though the kids are loving it!

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