ANKER’s PowerPort 6 Lite will keep your devices merry and BRIGHT! #AnkerLove

This post has been sponsored by ANKER but all opinions expressed here are my own.anker-4

I don’t know how it is in your family, but mine is full of gadgets. I have phones e-readers, tablets, and more, and I am sure we will have more under the tree this year. We use our gear to help connect with family, sending pictures, videos, and live-streaming with friends and family all over the country. Christmas morning around my house tends to be picture-heavy, too, which means lots of phone usage from everyone. All this means is that we will have lots of devices doing lots of different things, and that means charger wires snaking all over the place- or at least it used to. This year I’m trying to head that off at the pass while still being able to record our holiday gathering and share it with our loved ones. This year I’ve got a high-speed USB charger from ANKER in my back pocket.


I plan on using ANKER’s PowerPort 6 Lite to literally keep my holiday merry and BRIGHT. Bright phones, mostly, recording our celebration. Gone is the need for multiple and awkwardly placed wall outlets- no more jockeying for whose phone needs charging the worst.The charger has exclusive PowerIQ and VoltageBoost to ensure the fastest possible charge, and the six ports pump out 60 watts of power so devices are charging simultaneously. The ANKER PowerPort 6 is one of the most compact multi-port USB chargers on the market. Its smaller than my phone. Its great for my family Christmas. My mom and dad always seem to give gifts that either need batteries or they need charging so they have 13 grandkids and a couple of great-grandkids all clamoring around trying to find a place to charge their new toys and electronics.


The PowerPort also acts as a surge protector which is REALLY useful for an Alabama Christmas. Last year we had a tornado heading right for us Christmas night- I’m talking ‘get the bike helmets out of the garage and head for the inside bathroom and glue yourself to your weather radar app’ kind of weather. We head to the basement in our house and sit under the stairs. We have sleeping bags down there but only one plug so it gets boring if your electronics die. Most people I know have a ‘station’ for tornadoes. Quick charging surge protection kind of goes hand-in-hand for Southern holidays. I’m told it’s part of our charm.


The ANKER PowerPort 6 Lite and many other awesome ANKER products are available at Walmart, and they are perfect to ensure that your Christmas morning is fully charged and ready to go with no waiting. Just look at how I can change two tablets, my new camera, and my phone without any fuss at all! I also have been using it when I am trying to work in the computer room because I only have one plug free and its awkward to get down there so I just use my new ANKER charger and I don’t have to climb under the desk to plug my phone or camera in.

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

10 thoughts on “ANKER’s PowerPort 6 Lite will keep your devices merry and BRIGHT! #AnkerLove”

  1. Multiple charging units in one would be a nice thing in my house. We also have a lot of gadgets in hours that constantly need charging.

  2. I sure could use this ANKER PowerPort 6 Lite in my home. We have lots of devices in this house that are always needing to be charged.

  3. This would indeed be a very great gift this year. Ico9uld use both the power and the convenience of this port.

  4. With households having multiple devices requiring higher wattage chargers, this multi-usb port charger is almost a necessity these days! This one by Anker sounds like a really good one.

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