Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed Review

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My son may need some help.  He is seriously addicted to Moshi Monsters.  He talks about the characters all the time and about how you can ‘meet’ people in the game world.  I honestly have to admit that I only played for about 30 min of the game to vet it before I let him play so I liked it but that is trivial compared to how much my son likes it. When I told him we would be receiving Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed he squealed.  Full on squealed to the point where I am pretty sure that only dogs could hear him. Katsuma Unleashed follows after the first two hit Moshi Monsters Nintendo games, Moshling Zoo and Moshlings Theme Park leave off and hit shelves November 5th!


Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed (3DS SRP $29.99; DS SRP $24.99) begins when Dr. Strangeglove, intent on his evil mission to learn the secret of Moshi Picchu, captures Elder Furi and all of the innocent Moshi Monsters – except Katsuma! As the most popular Moshi Monsters character, players embark on a far-reaching voyage, traveling through six new worlds packed with mini arcade challenges and epic boss battles. Katsuma must work to rescue his Moshi Monsters friends, so he can gain their unique powers – from Furi’s “Smash” to Diavlo’s “Flight” – to help him combat the enemies and keep the secret of Moshi Picchu safe! You can buy it in this super fun pack.  My son wanted to keep the box forever because it was so cool.


Basically there are six fun filled levels where you play by fighting fierce battles against the robots and uncovering hidden treasures. By collecting these gems, players unlock superpowers to discover shortcuts and tricks to reach the ultimate battle with Dr. Strangelove himself! My son plays it all the time.  Matthew says that the game is easy to play but gets harder as you go through each level as good games should.  He didnt encounter any glitches while playing.  He did get to a part where he got really frustrated and I wont tell you exactly where but it is in level five.  He pushed on through though. He adores the little characters that came with the box. He has them in a place of honor on his mantle in his room.  He wont let his little brother play with them which shows me that he must really like them.  He says that he gives the game a 10 out of 10, would play again rating.



So if you are still looking for a new game this holiday season, check out Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed!


Enter to WIN!!!

You can win a 3DS copy of Moshi MOnsters: Katsuma Unleashed of your very own.  Just fill out the giveaway form below. This giveaway will run until 12/22 at 11:59 pm.


Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

36 thoughts on “Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed Review”

  1. I’ve always been interested in the moshi monsters franchise. I’d love to play this new one on my pink 3DS!

  2. We haven’t gotten into this yet but the little guy with the big ears is super cute!! I just googled and he is Katsuma…I knew there was a reason I liked him!

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