The Liv and Maddie cast includes Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie), Joey Bragg (Joey Rooney), Tenzing Norgay Trainor (Parker Rooney), Kali Rocha (Karen Rooney), and Benjamin King (Pete Rooney). I had the pleasure of meeting them when I was in LA for the #AntManEvent. Being the mom of a teenage boy I already knew that … Continue reading “Liv and Maddie On Set Visit and a Sneak Peek! #LivandMaddieEvent”
Tag: #LivAndMaddieEvent
Going Back to Los Angeles for the #AntManEvent
Recently I was sprinkled with a little pixie dust from my wonderful, beautiful Disney pals. I was invited to attend the #AntManEvent in Los Angeles celebrating the release of Ant-Man in theaters. After two events in this past year you would think I would be old hat at these kind of things. I totally burst … Continue reading “Going Back to Los Angeles for the #AntManEvent”