Kat Balogger reviews more than just family-friendly products, apparel, toys, accessories, electronics, music, books, services! Kat has five cats, a dog, several snakes, other reptiles, rats, guinea pigs, and usually various other animals due to her inability to say no at the animal rescue. She also has kids from 5 to 17, girls and boys so we can always find someone who will love your product. Kat Balogger also has several part time reviewers who have kids from baby to college age.
Kat Balogger reserves the right to refuse the review if the product(s) sent to review is/are not what was agreed upon.
All reviews are FREE of charge. If you would like to contact us about an affiliate relationship, paid posts or ad space, please send an email to
A Full-size product is required for all reviews and will not be returned.
Item(s) must be a minimum of $50 unless agreed upon beforehand. Several of the item or an assortment of items can be agreed upon beforehand. Subscription boxes must include more than one month to get more of a feel of the products included and the value of the products unless the subscription box is over the minimum price monthly.
Product being reviewed must be sent to us free of charge (product and shipping charges are your responsibility)
Reviews will be completed in a timely manner. Please allow at least 4-5 weeks after receiving product unless a time is previously agreed upon.
If you request an earlier date, Kat will work to accommodate you to the best of her/the VA’s ability.
You will receive an email with a link to the review once it has been posted.
If wanted, and agreed upon beforehand, Kat will gladly let you read the review before posting in case any questions arise from either party.
In the case of a negative review, the product will not be returned.
You are welcome to add a coupon or discount code for readers attached to the review free of charge. Discounts that require a separate post will be subject to a fee. Please contact for more information regarding this.
Kat would love to have a giveaway for your product but that is not required for a review.
Unless otherwise stated, all giveaways hosted by Kat Balogger will be open to U.S. residents who are 18 and older.
All giveaways will run for 2 weeks unless otherwise agreed upon from sponsor
Winners are chosen by random draw by through Giveaway Tools.
Kat Balogger is not responsible for shipment of prizes.