Popping Zits and Having Fun! #IGotZits

This is a sponsored review. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever had a toy that you really thought was gross but you couldn’t stop playing with it? Well, I was sent a few packages of Zits (EWWW!) Pop n’ Play Pimples to review and I am literally fighting the kids so I can play with them so more. They love them, I love them, and my husband laughs at all of us. They are hilariously fun to play with.

I think I had more fun than they did honestly. You can get ZITS! online at Amazon. You can also find them at Walmart and other stores in packs of 25 for around $4.99. They are perfect for pranking your friends and for just playing around.

You simply peel and stick on surfaces or your skin, then pop and play. At first my younger child didn’t get how to actually “pop” the zits and she was upset but she LOVED it when I would pop one of mine and it would ooze. Then she got it and thought it was hilarious. She wanted to wipe it on me and her dad.

I had so much fun. And they are super inexpensive. I think I am going to start putting these in their stockings every year. They played together with them until they were all gone. And my teenager came home and was sad he didn’t get any.

Want to pop and play? Enter for your chance to win a 4 pack!

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at topkat@katbalogger.com to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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