New Baby On the Way

I am sure everyone in the world knows that I am pregnant by now.  I will be 39 weeks tomorrow and I am as big as a house.  Due to my husband and I not finding out the gender of the baby we haven’t had a baby shower. However, we realized we had nothing for the new baby because I passed all of our older son’s stuff down to my nephew when he was born and my sister passed all that stuff down to her sister-in-law when her son was born.  So here we are days before the new baby and we have nothing planned. 540578_580836728607931_1313463050_n

We are having a shower this weekend for the little things. People in my family have been complaining from week 20 when we told them we weren’t finding out the gender and neither were they. They say that there is nothing out there that is unisex and that makes me sad. Why can’t companies stop gender biasing babies? Why can’t there be green onesies with cats on them that DON’T have pink frills? Do they think only girls can like cats?  My family is going to do their best though.

If I could get anything for the new baby right now though, I would get an awesome pushchair or stroller.  Like these Double Pushchairs from Britax. I think that it is awesome that they go up to 15-17 kg or almost 38 lbs. My two year old is only 27lbs so I could use this for a long, long time. I really like this color blue as well.

I have passed that little want on to my husband along with a dozen other things. Let the countdown for the new baby begin. If he or she isn’t out by next week I may have to start charging rent.


Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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