Heroes & Villains FanFest Atlanta Experience #HVFF


Hello everyone! I know I posted recently about getting to cover the Heroes & Villains FanFest in Atlanta on November 19-20th. I wanted to tell everyone about my awesome experience. First of all, I drove over very early in the morning on the 19th which took about 3 hours due to construction on I-20. I am pretty sure my great-great-great-grandkids will also have to experience construction on I-20 because its never ending. I remember being a very small child and going through it almost 30 years ago. I got to the Georgia World Congress Center around 8:30 am. I was given a Media Pass for the whole weekend which allowed me to get in early. The VIP line was super long already at 8:30 and I saw some great cosplay and some very excited people.



I was pretty excited myself because several people I just LOVE were going to be there. I have never been to a fanfest or convention. I know its crazy since there have been some really cool ones lately like Walker Stalker Con! So I was doubly excited for this one since it was my first time. My mission at first was to get Batista for my best friend. He is agoraphobic so he cant leave his house and he loves wrestling. I love Guardians of the Galaxy and Dave Bautista rocks in it so it was great for both of us. He has really nice hands by the way. And a great firm grip which I guess can be expected.



And then for me! I was really looking forward to Matt Ryan from Constantine. I camped out by his autograph booth for awhile actually. Everyone was running a bit late but when he showed up, he actually sat and talked with each of us for awhile. He is so sweet. And beyond attractive. But mostly just really down to Earth. We talked about travel and coffee. I wish I had remembered some of the stuff I was going to ask him but honestly in the heat of the moment after sitting there for awhile and talking with other fans I completely forgot.


Ahh! Isn’t it awesome? And I got his autograph because he is all that is amazing. I also ran over next door and got Robbie Kay’s because he is my favorite Peter Pan. In my opinion, living forever would make anyone cruel and capricious so I totally get it. I try not to tell people I find him attractive because he is only just now 19 or something so we will keep that between us. Well us and my 70000 Twitter followers.


I saw some really cool cosplay. I wish I had gotten more pictures but every time I stopped, someone else was asking that person for their picture and I got shy. Luckily my friend Carissa caught some great ones. I also got to go to several panels. These are just pics from a few.


I really enjoyed the John Barrowman panel. I am still blushing today about it but it was still the funniest thing ever. And the Gotham panel killed me. I was laughing hours later. I think its awesome how receptive they all were to their fans. Especially Stephen Amell. I live tweeted his panel on Sunday and I had people either hate tweeting because he said stuff they didn’t agree with or saying they were jealous days later. I am ok with that because I often have those fan moments where the show writers do something mean to my favorite character or ship and I am like NOOOO! But I still tune in next week because thats what fans do.


The angle they had us at it was hard to take photos so I apologize for the quality. I will say all the panels were wonderful and I am so excited for my shows! I wish the winter hiatus didn’t have to happen.

Oh I almost forgot! I found this one on my new friend Carissa’s Instagram and I am so sad I missed them. I love Kida!

Kida from #findingatlantis and Belle from #onceuponatime @ #hvff Atlanta

A photo posted by Carissa Shuman (@cshuman13) on

Make sure you attend the Heroes and Villains FanFest at a city near you! And you should totally also check out the Walker Stalker CRUISE (from Miami to Nassau)!

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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