One of the phrases that I have uttered the most in my life is ‘which sister?.” I have three sisters and all the time people are telling me that they have seen my sister or remember that time your sister and I did this or does your sister have that van still. We have all a big gap between us so we are close but not best friends kind of close. I always wished I could be their friend when I was growing up though. My older sisters seemed so cool and my younger sister was so popular. Not as cool as Walmart’s Lowest Priced Unlimited Plans but pretty cool. My favorite sister to hang with back then was my next oldest sister. It was so awesome seeing her with all her friends and her boyfriend. She became a mom at 18 and was the best mom ever. Random people would ask her to babysit because she was patient, goofy, and dorky just like our mom. Kids just liked her. Then her relationship became abusive and she started using the same drugs her husband had been selling. My mother took custody of her children and things just went downhill from there. It was a dark time in my sister’s life.
It took her until about a year ago and a few stints in jail to finally be clean. She is in a women’s rehabilitation home by choice now and doing well. She has two jobs and is getting her GED. She took two of the tests for her GED last week and she passed so I wanted to get her something awesome for Valentine’s Day. She deserves to know that people are supporting her and that they love her this Valentine’s Day. I also want her to be able to have something the kids can Skype her on during the week when she cant see them. Unfortunately, tax time will not be friendly to me this year so I couldn’t afford to spend more than $100 to $125 on her especially with all the Spring Boy Scout trips my son does. Walmart Family Mobile has my back though. I was able to get her a great phone for just $79!
I have had the #FamilyMobile plan for about a year and I love it. I got it while working with #CollectiveBias and I have continued to use it because it works amazing for my family and my money! There is no contract which is great for me in case I dont want to pay for my son’s account anymore. He has had a big attitude lately and may lose his phone from it. I knew that my sister would be tight on money because most of her wages go straight to the place where she lives so I needed to get her a good plan that wont break the bank. The Walmart Family Mobile plan is only $39.88 a month for unlimited talk, text, and web. Or they have plans for unlimited talk and text for just $29.88.
I am super glad that I decided to #MaxYourTax with the Walmart Family Mobile plan and get my sister the awesome Alcatel One Touch Evolve. I am the best sister. I managed to get a gift for my sister that cost me $79 and I was able to get her one of the Lowest Priced Unlimited Plans for less than $40 a month! I am going to tell her how easy it is to manage my account on the Myfamilymobile website and how I even let my son get on there because it is so simple to use.
Are you looking for a great gift for someone this Valentine’s Day and want to #MaxYourTax? Check out the great phones that Walmart has for the extremely affordable Walmart Family Mobile program! You will not regret it and you will score some major points with your Valentine!
Aww you are a great sister and I know she will appreciate it. What a great price!
That is really sweet you and those prices are pretty good!
Seeing how inexpensive that is makes me weep when I think about how much we’re locked into paying each month with our carrier. Ugh!
And you really are a super great sister! Not only are you so thoughtful, but pretty cool too!
There are a lot of people who could benefit from a plan like this instead of committing to a 2-year contract just so they can have the latest phone on the market… only to realize too late that they don’t have enough money and can’t pay for the contract for 2 years!
What a great gift for someone you love. The Mobile plan is a great one!
Can’t beat less than $40 a month! That’s a fantastic deal 🙂
I just got my mom set up with Walmart’s cell service. She didn’t want to deal with the hassle of expensive contracts.
This is a great gift idea–very unique and affordable!
What a wonderful gift. She will love it!
That is a really awesome price and a great gift idea!
This is a fabulous deal and would be perfect for my daughter!
How cool are you for getting that for your sister? It sounds like a great deal.
I got a phone and service for my Husband for Christmas. He absolutely loves it.
I’m so glad your sister is doing better and how sweet of you to give her a phone. I told my husband a few months ago, once our contracts are done we are heading to Walmart. I can’t do the price we are paying anymore with our contract phones, it is ridiculously expensive!
We tried Family Mobile and I really, really wanted it to work for us but we’re in a dead area for internet. I’m hoping Family Mobile will be an option in the future as they expand.
That is really great!!
That is an incredibly good deal for monthly service. I need a new phone and may need to check them out.
What a great way to support your sister in her recovery. It’s a heck of a deal besides!
I NEED TO DO THIS! My contract is up in December and we need to get away from AT&T. Thanks for sharing 🙂
This is a great deal! I have a Walmart phone and love it. Being able to pay online and not have a contract is great.
You truly are an amazing sister! I am sure your sister is going to LOVE her gift. #client
That is a really great price! I had no idea it was so inexpensive. You are a rockin’ sister!