After all these years and after three kids I can honestly say that I have no patience and I cant stand to be bored. I handle boredom very badly. I don’t know when to tell my body to stop. I spend a lot of my day breastfeeding so I am stuck very often. When I had my first son I had homework and projects to distract me. Things were different with my second son. I had just graduated the December before I had my son in Sept 2013 and I was off work for the first time in my adult life on maternity leave. I was going out of my mind with boredom being home with an infant. I started online gaming and found my new joy in life. Warcraft was like a staple in my household. My problem is that I couldn’t stop. I would have dreams about my character (a lovely Hunter with a super awesome pet) and what we needed to farm to get the money for this or that. So I canceled my subscription when I went back to work and haven’t looked back. I am a lying liar who lies because I miss it everyday. I play my PS3 and XBox 360 but its not the same as my beautiful WOW.
This time around with my daughter I am pacing myself. I have to spend most of my time online while breastfeeding because my computer chair is the best chair to feed her in. I am content with computer games on online bingo sites such as I have to work on the computer so its easy to sit back and just click over to play a game while I am feeding her and then after I get her put down for a nap I can click right back to work. It has worked out for me so far and pretty soon I can start getting her to go to bed at a decent hour so that I get my nighttimes back. When that happens I will get my character back and the cycle will begin again.