BeFit-Mom DVD/Book


Pregnancy is one of the sweetest times in any woman’s life.  To know that she’s growing a life inside of her is both amazing, exciting, and frightening.  One thing that we have to remember, is that keeping ourselves fit should be one of the most important things.  Even when we eat correctly, and exercise, we still have that little bit of weight that just doesn’t want to budge!

I was asked to review a DVD and a book from BeFit-Mom.  Their website will guide you through exercising and eating right through pregnancy, and after.  You can even buy the DVD and book through their website as well.  I like easy it is to navigate. You can find all types of help on there. I spent hours going through it when I first delivered because I was so excited to try to get my shape back.  Or rather the shape I wish I was and the weight I wish I was.  Currently at a few weeks postpartum I am at 169.  I was 178 when I got pregnant and I was 196 when I delivered.


The creator of the website is a internationally recognized prenatal and postpartum fitness expert, author, and ACE certified personal trainer.  The DVD I received is titled “Bounce Back Fast!  Postnatal Core Conditioning.”  It has won several awards which makes it even more awesome in my book.  Unlike most other postnatal exercise routines, this program systematically rebuilds the abdominal wall from the inside out, repairs abdominal separation, and develops functional core strength and stability.  This DVD isn’t just for new moms, anyone with post baby pooches can benefit from this DVD program.  Remenber to check with your doctor before starting any program.

The book I received is titled:  “Exercise After Pregnancy: How to Look and Feel Your Best.”  It offers new mothers a guide to reconditioning their bodies after pregnancy that features a 3-step program that tones and flattens the abdominal wall, closes abdominal separation, and develops core core strength and stability.  I love how easy it is to follow. I have only been doing the program for a couple weeks and I already feel the difference.  I actually feel younger now which is crazy.  I eventually want to be able to hike up a mountain like I did in Germany or climb up nineteen billion stairs in the Napoleon museum.



You can purchase both items on Amazon, or through their website for $17.95 for the book, and $21.95 for the DVD.  The website has a lot of information on it, as well as a Lullabye CD for infants.  They offer a deal for all three for just $49.95 with free shipping.


Just enter on the form below. Giveaway will run through 6/18 at 11:59 pm.

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

18 thoughts on “BeFit-Mom DVD/Book”

  1. I learned that BeFit-Mom was founded by perinatal exercise specialist and author Helene Byrne.

  2. I entered: Getting Rid of Germs with safeHands, Indigo Incite Book Tour, and No Brainer Book Blast

  3. I learned that the BeFit-Mom founded by perinatal exercise specialist and author Helene Byrne

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