When my three year old was teething I would get people telling me all the time that I needed to get him an amber teething necklace. I always meant to but I was working overtime constantly and I just never got around to it. So until recently I still thought that amber teething necklaces were for the babies to chew on! I was totally wrong. The Baltic Amber interacts with the heat of the skin and produces an anti-inflammatory response in the child. This reduces the swelling and pain and gives the child complete comfort. My littlest one, Moriah, is 7 months old and has been teething like crazy. She was sent the Lemon Raw BeadsAmber Teething necklace to try out.
Everyone in my family thinks her necklace is so amazingly cute! I was worried she would mess with it but she acts like it is not there. She has been pretty calm on the teething front the last couple of days and it has been heavenly. I love that she gets to have a cute necklace that also helps her at the same time. Amber teething necklaces have been a natural remedy for pain relief for hundreds of years. Each necklace uses traditional hand beading techniques that strings each bead individually and then secures it into place with strong knots on each side so that the beads cant slide off. I love knowing she cant swallow a bead if it comes off. The necklaces are pretty sturdy because my toddler keeps trying to take her necklace and he will run off with it and play with it before I catch him.
Bumbo Potty Seat
I have been looking into getting one of these! My little guy is just a little younger than Moriah and I’m just counting down the days until the teeth start coming in.
I didn’t know how these worked. Thanks for explaining it.
We had one of these and Beckham still wears his in fact! They are amazing. Not to mention, they look adorable.
I think these necklaces are beautiful and so helpful for kids & their parents. If we had a baby still, I’d absolutely buy one!
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What a great product for teething babies. This would make a great baby shower present. I am going to have to keep this in mind.