This is by far my favorite time of year. The Holidays. I don’t know why its always put that way since we have dozens of ‘holidays’ during the year. Of course, my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Not for some noble reason that my great-great-grandmother on both sides was Cherokee. I apologize but I am more shallow than that and Thanksgiving is for eating. Lots of eating. 3 families worth this year. Thinking about eating brings me to the problem at hand. I have an already sick, cranky, NURSING baby who is going to get very upset after getting in the car, getting out, getting passed around, getting in the car, getting out, getting passed around, rinse, and repeat.
I have been trying to work out a plan so that we can nurse at normal times. Holidays are beyond stressful and I would hate to disturb our already precarious nursing relationship. After everything else that has happened, he has thrush so I am going to try to bring 3 different sippy cups with me as well as some pumped milk. I hope being around family can bring some joy to all the dread and sickness we have had lately. Last year, Baby E was 3 months old during the holiday season so it was easier to keep track of him and my schedules. This year, he will be running all over place which means there is double the chance to get extra tired and cranky.
I also wish the very best of luck to all moms nursing during the holidays. Be patient, be prepared, and stay hydrated! Make a plan, bring extra supplies (pump, pumped milk, cooler bags) for those just in case moments. Bring a nursing cover if your baby allows those sorts of things. Be sure that while you are running around feeding the children and significant other, you take time to feed yourself!