Skateboard Time with the Shaun White Supply Co #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

Shaun White Supply Co #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

Shaun White Supply Co #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

I think kids now a days are very lazy. Honestly I barely remember what my house looked like as a child but I could tell you where each tree and hiding spot in my yard was.  I never went inside as a child.  My older son is very into video games. He hardly ever wants to go outside. I have to practically beat him out the door. When he is out there though, he goes wild. He rides his bike, he rides his scooter, and he loves to ride his skateboard. I was ecstatic to be selected for the #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo shop because my son has been needing a new skateboard. He wore his out riding down the driveways of the neighborhood and has been complaining that the wheels slightly wobble.

Shaun White Supply Co  #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

If there’s one thing my older son has in excess it’s energy so being able to go outside and ride a skateboard helps wear him out and makes bedtime a little easier for all of us.  So when his old skateboard got to where he couldn’t ride it anymore I was disappointed because one sure fire way to get him outside is to pull out the skateboard and let him roam the neighborhood while I chase the baby around.  I had been worried about buying a new skateboard because I honestly didn’t want to spend a large amount of money but 39.95 at Walmart for the Shaun White thrash board was way below what I thought I was going to have to pay.  Little M really loved the bright colors and graphics and was trying to talk me into buying him more than one board because he had a hard time picking the one he liked the most.  They were supposed to have a huge Shaun White display but my store said it came in broken so they just put them out on the shelf. We literally got one of the last five skateboards they had. Luckily we already had the knee/elbow pads and helmet from all his other outside toys which meant this trip wasn’t as bad as it could be for some first time skateboard buyers.  Safety is really important though, especially with kids that don’t think before they try to jump off a ramp, so I was glad to see that if we didn’t have pads or a helmet already they were near the skateboards and not terribly expensive.

Shaun White Supply Co  #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

Little M wanted to pull the board out as soon as we got it home but I told him we should wait till it was light out and his brother could play too. He was excited for his new helmet and wanted to try it out as well. He has a great Spiderman helmet but he informed me that his helmet was a bicycle helmet and he needed a skatebaording helmet.  I should not have caved but they had an awesome one for less than $15 at Walmart so I bought it.


I think anything that gets kids outside is something great. I love sitting on my front porch and watching Little M do tricks on his outside toys. I think it brings families closer when parents are interested in what kids like. I know my son thinks he is an amazing skateboarder so I sit and watch him try the same trick 10-15 times. I cheer everytime even when he messes up because it makes him so happy.  Sometimes he falls and gets hurt but I got hurt as a child. I am fine.  I think children need to express themselves the way they know how and if it takes a few scrapes, then I am ok with that.

Shaun White Supply Co  #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo

We took the board out and Little M had a ball doing tricks. This is his posing shot.  He is such a ham. He thinks he looks so cool with his pads and helmet on. I think its sad because he is not my little baby anymore and he is growing up to be a big boy.

Even my friend got into it. She has been wanting to teach her 3 year old how to skate so we took him out with Baby E and LIttle M and let the younger boys play with the helmets and get on the board.  I took a cool shot of her on the board as well. The babies didnt really want to play. They just wanted the helmets on.



To find out more about the Shaun White Supply Co. you can check them out on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There will be a BIG 10/28 ad in papers promoting the Shaun White Thrash Boards!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Shaun White Supply Co #CBias #SocialFabric

Author: Kat

Kat is a married mom of three kids aged 19, 11, and 8 that lives close to Birmingham, AL. She loves cats, books, cooking, hockey, and watching movies. She is an admitted nerd, comic book lover, action figure & barbie doll collector, blackjack dealer, beginner croupier, and all around queen of the dorks. You can reach her at [email protected] to talk about product reviews, press trips, sponsorships, or brand messaging.

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